A Warming, Waterless World

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Climate change is exacerbating worldwide drought, deluge and displacement. What more to know and how to help this WORLD WATER DAY.

Climate change continues to reshape our world. And one of its biggest tolls has been on our water resources. Once flowing rivers are now reduced to trickles. Abundant lakes are now empty beds. Groundwater taps are drying up. And because many freshwater resources originate in forested areas, more severe and abundant wildfires further contaminate freshwater.


Because of our warming climate, unprecedented levels of drought are impacting many regions. In the northern hemisphere, droughts are now 20 times more likely to occur, with nearly half of mainland US currently afflicted.

Europe is facing its worst drought in the last 500 years, and is now seeing historic drought markers in their rivers, like that in the Czech Republic’s River Elbe.

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