How and Who Does MSF Help?

Let's donate

Images source: Peter Bräunig and Anna Bylund / Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières provides medical care to the people who need it.


They deliver medical care to everyone, regardless of nationality, religion, or political beliefs. Above all, they see people in need of help as human beings first.


Over 90% of their international operations are funded by private donors - everyday individuals and companies contributing smaller, consistent amounts. This financial independence ensures that their aid remains impartial and cannot be exploited for political or military agendas.


They don’t take sides in conflict zones, focusing on where medical care is most needed. In their field hospitals, civilians and wounded soldiers from opposing sides share the same ward. Weapons and hostilities are left at the door.

© Anna Pantelia / Médecins Sans Frontières

Your donations help treat the wounded, provide healthcare and essential support for people facing the harsh realities of natural disasters, conflict, and epidemics.

Donations are also vital to their mission - helping people in places where there is no access to professional healthcare. That is, where there is a long-term lack of doctors, or there is an acute shortage due to natural disasters, war conflicts or epidemics. They also bring testimonies from these places.

Donate through VAKOVAKO and 100% of the donation value goes to Médecins Sans Frontières.